Empowering Foster Youth for a Brighter Tomorrow

Mavix Community Outreach Provides Foster Children, Youth and At-Risk Families With Enriching Activities, Essential Care Packages, and Career Guidance To Help Them Thrive and Succeed

Making Sure Every Child Has A Thriving Future

At Mavix Community Outreach we believe in empowering our foster care and at-risk youth, providing them with enriching experiences, mentors who show them they are valued, and guidance in a career path. We assist with career and paid apprenticeship style work placement.

What Services Do We Provide?

Family & Child Enrichment

Youth Mentorship

Trade & Career Guidance

Partner With Us

Do you manage or work with a foster home that would like to provide additional support for your children? Do you represent a trade and career school looking to help young adults and teenagers develop their careers? Are you part of a race team or track?

We would love to partner with you! Please connect with us and learn more about our partnerships.

Sponsor Our Programs

We have regular community events serving foster children and at-risk families who can really benefit from our support. We invite you to help sponsor our events to make a positive lasting impact on the lives of our nation’s children.

Do You Want To Bring Our Events To Your Community? Connect With Us

Our Mission

Mavix Community Outreach began with a clear vision: to bridge the gap between the motorsports industry and young individuals who were passionate but lacked opportunity. We recognized the rich learning environment that motorsports provided—a unique blend of technology, teamwork, and tenacity.

Who We Serve

We Have Impacted the Lives of an Estimated 600 Foster Children and At-Risk Youth

Our passion for this mission has grown as fast as the very cars we admire, and today, we’re thriving by making true impact—one life at a time.

Every year, approximately 23,000 youth age out of foster care in the United States. Aging out occurs when unadopted youth emancipate from foster care, usually between the ages of 18 and 21 (age varies based on state), because they no longer qualify for state services. So, what happens when they leave foster care?

20% Will Instantly Become Homeless.

Less Than 3% Will Earn a College Degree.

70% Become Pregnant Before the Age of 21.

Females Are 80% More Likely To Be Sex Trafficked.

Half Will Become Substance Abusers.

We Can Make A Difference.

Our Partners & Generous Supporters

Who We Are

At Mavix Community Outreach, we believe in the transformative power of community, passion, and opportunity.

Through the exhilarating world of motorsports, we introduce foster children and adolescents to an arena where precision meets thrill, and teamwork fuels the journey to the finish line. Our commitment goes beyond the race track; it is about fostering lifelong skills and igniting a spark that propels our youth towards a future they can steer with confidence.

Why do we stand out?

It’s simple. We blend the spirit of motorsports with the foundations of growth and learning. Our collaboration with other nonprofits to offer scholarships or entry into trade schools within the motorsports industry is a testament to our dedication. We see potential where others see challenge, and we invest in that potential to gear up our youth for the race of life.

Our mission is to accelerate the potential within every child and teen that steps through our doors by providing them with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities to succeed in motorsports and beyond. At Mavix Community Outreach, the race isn’t just about getting across the finish line—it’s about the knowledge, connections, and experiences gained along the way. We’re not merely fans of the sport; we’re advocates for its power to change lives.

Meet the Mavix Team

  • Kelly Anderson


  • Maria Lynk


  • Paul Anderson


  • Aris Govjian


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